New Site

I've moved and all new postings are at my new web site. Please visit me at

Sunday, January 16, 2011

And so it begins...

As a corporate pilot, I get to travel all over the world. I get to see amazing things and trying to capture those feelings, I grow as a photographer. This blog is a chance for me to capture not only experiences, but notes to myself about photographic experiments and what I learned from them.

I find that I shoot sporadically, needing a "theme" or "assignment" or some other inspiration to get me really looking at the world like a photographer.  In thinking back over most of the sets of pictures I've captured over the past year, I'm finding that I wish I had made some notes on the process -- a diary, as it were -- to be able to look back at them later.  My first 2 posts are already planned, to cover my 2 evenings of shooting in Paris last week.  I'm trying to get them down on "paper" before they leave my feeble memory altogether.

While much of what I write here will be interesting primarily to me, you are welcome here: welcome to read, to comment, to commiserate.

And a final note: I've never done a blog before.  As such, I have no idea what many of the knobs and switches on this software do.  I'm going to be experimenting some and I expect there will be some fairly dramatic changes to the appearance of this blog, if nothing else, over the next couple of weeks.  Among other things, I'm likely to experiment with the available templates until I find one that "fits" me.

1 comment:

  1. LOL this is awesome. I can't stop giggling at the fact of you actually doing this. Welcome to the blogosphere! It's a great way to waste time, I've found. Then again, it's also fun to look back over past entries and see where you've been. Travelogues are especially interesting; I look forward to following you all around the world!

